The clever strategies of the world’s top countries in predicting and planning for future conflicts. Learn how they create intricate mazes to trap enemies and win battles without detection.

Did you know that the world’s most powerful countries and their strategists can predict future events that will happen in 20 years? With this foresight, they create elaborate plans to ensnare their enemies and win battles without detection. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of strategic planning and how countries use it to gain an upper hand in conflicts.

                                                      The clever strategies of the world’s top countries

you must have heard a lot of hues and cry in the last one and a half years that the dominance of America is ending in the whole world. China is rapidly taking over the entire Arab countries one after the other. He started from near Pakistan where he reached Iran, the first Arab country, and there with Iran by making many deals worth billions of dollars, Iran was completely engulfed. After this came the number of Iraq, then it reached Egypt. After that Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and now its intention is on Saudi and UAE it was being said that now China will completely scam its dominion on the world and America’s influence will be destroyed in a pinch but people forgot that America is an old player and history is witness whenever America has been taken out of any calculation.

America has done the same thing with India 

America has changed the calculator there and at this time America has done the same thing with India in the Arab world after seeing that Iran and China are in awe. Actually, it happened that this morning the news came out that Mohammed bin Salman who is the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and in a way he is running the entire Saudi Arabia. He received the National Security Advisor of India, Ajit Doval, and after that, he received the National Security Advisor of America from NS. Received them. Apart from this, a very big prince of the UAE and a top government official of UAE government, he was also received. Together with these three, he conducted a big meeting and it is being told that India and America are behind this meeting. The mind was there, but this meeting took place. In fact, the motive behind this is a mega project, a project that will ultimately destroy the importance of Iran in the entire Arab world. any importance of Iran Will not remain, irrespective of its location, it will become completely neutral. At the same time, China which is gradually bringing the countries of the Arab world under its influence will wipe out China completely from there as well. This is a single project but what is this project? Let me explain to you in the map, then see here India the map, if you walk from India to the side of Iran, then Pakistan is present near the Iran border. Chabahar Port You all know that India has developed it for a specific reason.

India may face problems in the coming times.

In fact, Till now, whatever goods belong to India, used to go through the sea route from here to here via India. The whole used to pass through this and then reach Europe. But India wanted to bypass this route. Because of two reasons First you all know which Waze Canal a small accident blocks the whole way and the business stops for many days? Another major reason is that China has built a large military base near Djibouti. Because of this, India may face problems in the coming times. The third big reason is that the path is too long. Here the whole of India which Love Pan is 16, has to go around. Because of this, the cost of transportation of Indian goods becomes high. Because of these three reasons, India bypasses this route, and from here via Iran, you can see on the screen that I have made the text in black color, isn’t it? Chabahar port of Iran through the sea route from India then through the railway line in entire Iran then after that through sea route in cash PNC to Russia and then from Russia to Europe some wanted to deliver goods through this route and for this reason We A lot of money was also spent on Chabahar port. But now the problem was that just a few months ago, Iran had signed a deal worth $71400 billion with China. Because of this, within the coming three to four years, Iran would have completely depended on China and then India could not rely on Iran even for this route. For this reason, India had to find some solution for this, and now India is going to find such a solution with the help of America.

when India’s economy will become very big  

This will not only solve all the problems of India but on the contrary, only China and Iran will get trapped. In fact, America and India have come up with a new plan why not bypass Iran’s Chabahar port route as well and also bypass the existing route via Djibouti? Whom, you will see on the screen the new plan through Saudi Arabia, in this way, if you want to send or order any kind of goods from India, it will reach through the sea route. Till UAE, after that, it will enter Saudi Arabia through a railway line and after that you can directly deliver it to Israel or you can deliver it to Egypt as well. Not only this, UAE’s planning is also that in the coming 1015 years, when India’s economy will become very big and the Indian people will have a lot of purchasing power, there will be money and the Indian market will be worth several trillion dollars. At that time, there is a plan to run an underwater train from India to UAE.

Rapidly growing in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. 

He has already shown the concept regarding this. That means this project will be very big and mega. And the most important thing is that this Chabahar port route via Iran and the present route via Djibouti will be half the length of both of them. It means that a lot of money for India will also be saved, there will be a safe way and the relevance of Iran will be completely destroyed because not only India but also South East Asian countries surrounding India. Which are growing rapidly in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand. All of them will adopt this path. It will be safe, it will be very easy and most importantly it will be a very short distance. That means the cost of transportation will earn a lot.